Why do They Volunteer?
A benefit for the Montclair Salvation Army Cidital Lunch Program - The Table
All you need to know in one place
A benefit for the Montclair Salvation Army Cidital Lunch Program - The Table
For Lenten Season, Miss Nicky has whipped up one of her favorites and gave us the recipe!
Miss Nicky received an honorable mention in Health and Beauty - take a look!
Mt. Holyoke (Miss Nicky's Alma Mater) Quarterly-Spring 2012 magazine shows 'Miss Nicky's' Gourmet Toffee 'Good Eats stop...Check it out!
"As a health nut, I rarely eat sweets. But Miss Nicky's toffees rock. They are so worth it! I had to ask Miss Nicky herself to put them in individual bags for me so I take one a day out."…