Community Service
-Contributing Correspondent for the Women’s Radio Network
-MFF-Montclair Film Festival & Pre-Oscar Festivities
-Taste of Montclair -annual fundraiser
-Toni’s Kitchen
-Health & Wellness, Partners in our Community-Board of Education
-Glenfield School-Black History Month lecture series
Feel-Good Foodie Events: A Tasteful Experience, Girls Who Cook for Louie’s Kids
-Montclair Restaurant Week
-Montclair Pre-K
-Red Cross/Code Red Event
-Cookies For Kids Cancer Fund Raiser
-Sharon Miller’s Academy for the Performing Arts
-Montclair, NJ -PAMKA: Montclair Kimberly
-Clara Maass-A Tasteful Experience
-Newark Beth Israel Hospital – (Slim-Fit & M’POWer Cookies)
-St. Barnabas Hospice Center-Short Hills, NJ
-Active Member of Mt. Holyoke College Alumnae Chapter in Greater Essex
-Serves on Board of the Montclair/Nutley Red Cross Chapters
-Serves on Board of Montclair Public Library’s “Little Read” & Grapes of Wrath’ Committee
-Serves on HOMEcorp Committee
-Instructor at Prestigious Montclair Adult School – Instructs on Healthy Eating & Desserts
– In Montclair, regularly participates in the following :
-MFEE – (Montclair Fund for Excellence in the School System)
-MEDC – (Montclair Economic Development Corp)
-Montclair Farmer’s Market
-Montclair Art Museum events
-Jr. League programs – (assisted in administering programs for the area Jr. League events) My sister is a sustaining member in the Jr. League. – events
-Channel 34, on local TV demonstrating cooking & healthful cooking tips
-10th Consecutive year as Guest Speaker for Montclair’s YMCA Annual Women’s Program Committee Luncheon and other Y events
-Served on Capitol Committee Community Board & ad hoc committees
Other Community Involvement :
-Raised money w/portion of proceeds to area homeless shelter in Montclair
-Participation in ‘Look Good, Feel Better’ programs & Susan G. Komen, NJ
-Taught Healthy Eating Course for Mt. Hebron’s After School Program
-Bradford & Watchung School activities & fundraisers with Miss Nicky’s Treats
-Cooking & Healthy Eating Demos at Montclair’s ‘Spice it Up Shop’
-First Night Montclair activities including Gumbo & Soups at ‘Spice it Up’ Shop
-AKA Sorority
-Montclair Times & Baristanet – several articles
For further info, Google: Nicky Mesiah or, Nicolette Mesiah, or Miss Nicky’s Gourmet Toffee, Mesiah Event Planners, Inc.
…and just some of Miss Nicky’s most recent community participation & desserts citings:
‘From 12/09-Today: please google Miss Nicky’s Gourmet Toffee. Additional upcoming events, available upon request.
-12/08 – Miss Nicky’s Gourmet Toffee will be stationed in the Food Court for First Night Montclair from 5-Midnight.
(Deck the Hall’s) at Van Vleck Jr. League Fundraiser
Election Day at Bradford School-Miss Nicky’s Cookies
Miss Nicky’s Gourmet Cookie Day for all donors at Red Cross for November
(Grapes of Wrath) Fundrasier for the Montclair Library
Montclair/Nutley Red Cross Dinner
American Heart Association Dinner
Miss Nicky’s Gourmet Toffee Day for all donors at Red Cross for November
Chocolate Party at Van Vleck House
(MFEE’s Dancin’ in the Streets) Fundraiser at Bobbi Brown Studio’s
HOMEcorp Gala w/live auction of Miss Nicky’s expertise for party of 6
Jr. League Boutique – Annual Fundraiser
Our Lady Of Lourdes Festival Fundraiser, Women’s Holy Name Society
Grammeen Benefit at Van Vleck w/Alex Volcy & Dylan Plofker
Iron Chef Fundraiser-at Montclair High School, acted as judge; toffee to winners!
Miss Nicky’s Gourmet Toffee for favors at Prestigious ‘James Beard House’ in NYC-as part of ‘Southern Springtime Brunch’ with CulinAriane Restaurant, of Montclair, NJ
Dr. Maya Angelou’s ‘80th’ Birthday Celebration in Dallas, Tx
Glenfield School Career Day
Montclair/Nutley Red Cross Gala
Watchung School ‘Dessert’ Fundraiser
Booksigning at Bobbi Brown Studios, Montclair, N.J
Montclair Historical Society Kitchen Tour
HomeCORP 10th Year Gala
Red Cross Gala
-2007 – Miss Nicky’s Toffee debuts at Buffalo’s ‘Pitt Petri’ Stores & Buffalo Spree Magazine
-2006 – Honorable mention of Miss Nicky’s Gourmet Toffee in famed NY Times review by Restaurant Critic David Corcoran, under the ‘Suburban Restaurant Review of CulinAriane Restaurant’-4 star restaurant where Miss Nicky’s Toffee was featured on one of the memorable desserts!!!
Currently on Montclair’s Channel 34 TV – “Inside Montclair” segment
Speaking at Park St. YMCA
Will be teaching a course at the Montclair Adult School on beans as an alternative source of protein. Course entitled: ‘The Beauty and the Bean’-see for registration
Project Graduation at Montclair’s Alliance for Integrated Health Center on Bloomfield & Gates Avenue
April-June: Teaching ‘Healthy Eating & ‘How to read food labels’ in Watchung School’s After School Program-Montclair, NJ
Guest appearance + free tasting/demo at the “Spice it Up” spice shop on Glenridge Ave. in Montclair, NJ