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Phone: 1-800-Total-Theme
Address: Las Vegas, Nevada

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Dear Ms. Mesiah:

Thank you for donating a gift certificate and delicious goodies to Paper Mill Playhouse’s auction as part of our Celebration, “Reaching for the Stars, Paper Mill Playhouse soars into its 72nd year” on May 12 2010. Thanks to your generosity, our fundraising efforts were a resounding success!

We cannot thank you enough for choosing to support this great theatre. Paper Mill Playhouse unique theatre experiences and its education programs for New Jersey’s young people are not only possible because of your enthusiasm and patronage. Paper Mill Playhouse belongs to all of us. together we will continue to achieve great things.

Thank you! We look forward to seeing you at the theater soon.

Warm regards

Mark S. Hoebee

Artistic Director

Mark W. Jones

Executive Director

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