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Get In Touch

Phone: 1-800-Total-Theme
Address: Las Vegas, Nevada

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Dear Nicky,

Thank you again for your annual appeal donation to the Montclair Public Library Foundation. This donation will be used to purchase an engraved brick. The brick will be placed in the spring once the ground warms up. When your brick has arrived I will call you to set up a time for you to select your location.

Your support helps the Montclair Public Library fulfill its mission of providing an environment which supports and stimulates self education, lifelong learning and information literacy. Libraries are critical components of communities. They are the keepers of our stories and the source for information that is available to all of our citizens.

Your gift means that we can better serve those who depend upon the Montclair Public Library for learning and entertainment. Thank you, again, for supporting our efforts.


Anita Peterson

Development Specialist

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