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Phone: 1-800-Total-Theme
Address: Las Vegas, Nevada

Our Location

May 2006

Nicky,There was riot around my dining table last night while my book club guests pulled hair, scratched eyes, and yanked extremities trying to get at the various delectables that you prepared for us!!!!! Oh, my God – Call out the National Guard! :+)

All of my friends are slim and trim, for the simple reason that they watch what they eat, and wouldn’t be caught dead eating a brownie in public. I have to laugh because I emailed them the menu in advance and warned them not to come if they were counting calories. When the doorbell rang at 8:00 PM, on the dot, I was stunned. The first to arrive said, “With a menu like that, I will not be late.” What a hoot! These women lapped it up and came back for more. That is a true testament to your delectables.

Thank you, and…until we meet again!


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